Customer Cancellation Feedback

Thank you for taking the time to provide your feedback. These questions will give us greater insight into your digital marketing program with Hearst | localedge and allow us to continue to improve our products, services, and overall customer experience. Fields marked with * are required.

  1. What was the main reason(s) you decided to begin your digital marketing program with Hearst | localedge?*
    (Please select all that apply.)
    • Lower Cost
    • More Targeting
    • New Product/Service
    • Gain Analytics
    • Build Brand & Recognition
    • Improve Presence
    • Be More Competitive
    • Grow Business & Leads
    • Other
    Please select at least one option from the section.
  2. If you answered "Other" in the prior question about beginning your program, please share any additional reasons.

  3. What was the main reason(s) you decided to end your digital marketing program with Hearst | localedge?*
    (Please select all that apply.)
    • Promotion Was Seasonal/Limited Time
    • Goals Were Achieved
    • Changing To New Provider
    • Low ROI
    • Shifting Marketing Budget
    • Cost Too High
    • Selling/Closing Business
    • Program Costs
    • Expectations Not Met
    • Low Lead Quality
    • Can’t Handle More Growth
    • Issues Getting Program Started
    • Poor Service & Response Time
    • Other
    Please select at least one option from the section.
  4. If you answered "Other" in the prior questions about ending your program, please share any additional reasons.

  5. How do you feel your campaign performed compared to your initial expectation of the digital marketing program?*
    Please select at least one option from the section.
  6. How responsive was the Hearst | localedge team that supported your overall needs?*
    Please select at least one option from the section.
  7. Do you have other feedback, comments, or concerns that you would like to share with us?
  8. Would you like a Hearst | localedge representative to contact you regarding any of your feedback, comments, or concerns?
    Yes, please contact me.